Wednesday, February 21, 2007

DAY 52

Lesson for Day 52: gifts should never ever go unappreciated. Especially when they come in the form of beautiful coincidences. Please don't forget the "thank you" card next year. In the meantime, greatest thanks to the underground deltas marrying the divine. Greatest thanks to the eddies I recently swam out of. You had me for a moment. Day dreams have me talking to babies about the ne'er (never: not ever; at no time in the past or future), re: illusion of death. Apparently we just "mask" into something different. When asked what it means "to mask", he gestured movement implying folding into something new. Drooling in New York and dreaming of mountaintops. Keeping warm from the bodyheat of the man sitting next to me on the lift. The company is sacred. Working on a new basket for the table top. Its sole purpose to collect all discarded lists. Check, check, check, check. There are items with a perpetual place on my lists. Maybe I should complete those tasks in order to create places for a new gifts.


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